Label visibility true when entry text property is not empty
Hello Guy's I have a create application but i am facing a issue. I want to label visibility true when entry text property is not empty and when entry text property not empty then label visibility...
View ArticleIssue reported while submitting windows app to windows store
I have developed a Xamarin Forms(.Net standard) UWP app and submitted it to windows store, but the windows store team reject the app because of the following issue. The app doesn’t install on one or...
View ArticleXamarin Android app crash in Release mode using Parse SDK
I have a Xamarin Forms PCL app that works fine in DEBUG mode but when I change it to RELEASE mode and deploy to device it crashes while instantiating the ParseClient object. If I change the linker to...
View Articleapk from Xamarin.Forms keeps crashing
Hi All, Unfortunately when I load my apk onto a physical device, it crashes immediately. I have been playing around trying to figure out what is happening, and here are my observations: 1) If I set...
View ArticleImage button showing Unhandled exception error.
Hi, I am new to xamarin android . i am using image button . it is showing "Unhandled exception Error" message. Error Message is **Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference...
View ArticleVisual Studio 2017 Pro - 15.9.6 + Xamarin
Hello, I am using visual studio 2017 Pro(15.9.6) with Xamarin .UITest (2.2.4), NUnit 2.6.4, NunitAdapter (2.1.1)- As virtual Android, I am using Genymotion Google Nexus 6. Visual studio 2017 find...
View ArticleHow to add images taken from camera to a Listview?
Hi everyone, I would like to add images to a Listview?(or other layout) after each image is taken by the camera, something similar to the image above. How would I approach this? I was be able to follow...
View ArticleAnimate button when pushed by entry set to visible?
I have a button that is centered, and when a entry is set to visible - the button is pushed sideways. Right now the motion happens to quickly - is there anyway I can slow the motion down?
View ArticleAnimated image for button Highlighted ?
hello, is this possible to set animated image for button Highlighted ? thanks
View ArticleMaster-Detail Hamburger iOS vs. Android
I have built a Master/Detail page with a menu. It works beautifully in Android, giving me an animated hamburger. But in iOS the hamburger becomes the word menu and only appears on one screen. Have you...
View ArticleResize View on content changed
I have the following situation: On my xaml page I have a setup that looks like this: Open Bracket ScrollView Close Bracket Open Bracket local:MyView x:Name="Test" BackgroundColor="White"...
View Articleimage button in xaml
how can I create an image button in xaml. all platforms have an image button but I cant create one in xaml. why?
View ArticleHow to increase the distance between keyboard and editor
I need to increase the distance between the soft-keyboard and the editor in the UI. Currently, the keyboard overlaps the editor bottom part. Screenshot adding below: I try margin, padding and spacing...
View ArticleXamarin.iOS & Xamarin.Android Developer Experience
Hi All, I've been playing with Xamarin.Forms and as a newcomer to the framework / tooling I've not been having a great experience being honest. XAML previewer not really working and randomly crashing,...
View ArticleIssue with Creating Card Connect SDK Xamarin binding Library for iOS
I created a Xamarin Binding Library project to map the card connect sdk for ios and was successful in it. But when I try to create a sample project to test the function its giving me the following...
View ArticleWindows 10 entreprise, Visual studio 2017 Pro(15.9.6)+ Xamarin UITest
Hello, I am using visual studio 2017 Pro(15.9.6) with Xamarin .UITest (2.2.4), NUnit 2.6.4, NunitAdapter (2.1.1)- As virtual Android, I am using Genymotion Google Nexus 6(api 25). Visual studio 2017...
View Article[XAMARIN FORMS] problem of the link between my xaml view (with a picker) and...
Hello everyone, I have a small problem, I explain myself: here's what I did, I have a page with buttons (with different values) and a picker (see xaml code), when the user clicks on a button, normally...
View ArticleHow can I pass a ViewCell into custom control?
I'm making a custom control and how can I pass other View into it? In my case I want to pass in a custom ViewCell to my custom ListView so I could re-use this custom control with different item sources...
View ArticleHttpClient - request timed out (happens on iOS only)
Hi, I have an issue regarding requesting data from a web service, when I execute a http request that takes longer than 60 seconds I get the following request timed out error: (Replaced web service url...
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