Video can not start after clicking the play button after stop button.
Help me....... This is My Code.................................. button = FindViewById(Resource.Id.btnplay); button.Click += Button_Click; button1 = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.btnstop);...
View ArticleCan't archive my android project, "this package may not be fully compatible"
Whenever I try to archive my android project into an APK, I get this warning which prevents me from archiving: Package 'Plugin.MediaManager 0.4.51' was restored using '.NETFramework version=v4.6.1'...
View ArticleNavigate to viewcontroller from AppDelegate
When my app is running in the background and the app receive a notificaionthe the user can click on the notification. Doing this calls DidReceiveRemoteNotification(...) in AppDelegate. In...
View ArticleHow to set the Selected Item of a Picker Control through View Model (MVVM)
Hi there, I will try to explain this as best I can so please bare with me: Background: I have two pages that interact with each other - a customer page (CustomerPage) which stores a listing of...
View ArticleXamarin - PCL/iOS/UWP/Droid - MT4118 & MT4116
Hi I've got a solution implementing functions for various types of projects (iOS, Android, UWP) with multiple binding objects. The criteria is: We have implemented connections with various devices...
View ArticleXamarin libraries to generate gif programmatically
Dear Forum I am building a mobile app using Xamarin for an accident detection system, and i want to be able to achieve the below: I want to be able to create a GIF using elements such as direction of...
View ArticleAndroid Themes: Xamarin.Forms change the color of selected ListView item
So I want to swap out Blue in holo light theme to Orange. I've used this Holo Generator quite a few times with good results in normal Android apps.. but the "ListView" in Xamarin.Forms seems to render...
View ArticleHow can i create Keystore for Android publish to Play Store?
How can i create the Key store.Is it require any credentials from the organization?
View ArticleCannot keep ListView ordered/sorted when navigating away and back
Hello! I'm learning the ListView control and sorting data it shows, but i can't seem to fix a scenario. I am using Visual Studio 2017 Community. I am trying to have a list always ordered by this...
View ArticleFirebase stuck at verifying app
Hey all, I am currently facing an issue with our app implementing firebase. It's stuck at the 4th step: Checking if the app has communicated with our servers. You may need to uninstall and reinstall...
View ArticleIs the Geofence API limited to push notifications? Or can it ping my server...
I'm in the process of designing a mobile Xamarin app and would like to know if both iOS and Android devices can monitor GPS in the background for geofence entry/exit, and then ping my web servers via...
View ArticleIs the GeoFence API limited to push notifications? Or can it ping my server...
I'm in the process of designing a mobile Xamarin app and would like to know if both iOS and Android devices can monitor GPS in the background for geofence entry/exit, and then ping my web servers via...
View ArticlePerformance...
I am a newcomer to this forum and using c# with Xamarin so forgive me if my question is a little naïve. I want to build my first app and interface to it a backend system for it's data and business...
View ArticleAlternative maps for Xamarin.Forms.Maps
In android when you register the api for maps, It required a link to a billing account to work, Is there another way to do it? ref:...
View ArticleWhat is the best place to pre-process data before any UI is initialized?
I want to process the data in a database before any UI pulls the data from it through View Model. Since async / await operations involved, which is the best place to pre-process data? I find doing it...
View ArticleBasic Deployment and Build Questions
I create a new project (Xamarin, Blank project). I compile it. My Android phone is plugged into the computer. I start the ADB server. Then I select Deploy and I get a deployment to the Emulator. I...
View ArticleHow to use Windows like filesystem action on Mac?
Hello, Here is my issue: I have an application using an old mono version (4.4.1) on an old ide (Xamarin 6.0.1) and some Windows internal calls such as FindNext or GetFileStats. These are InternalCall...
View ArticleStruggling to compile application in 64bit on Xamarin
Hello, I have an old version of Xamarin Studio running (6.0.1), with mono 4.4.1, 64bits, on a 64bits OS (10.11.5). I have an application that is currently used by clients and compiled on 32bits. But...
View ArticleReproduce carousel view behaviour/animation/transition to a horizontal scroll...
Hey developers, I have so far tried to use a carousel view due to its ease of use and of course its performance. But I tried to show the tail of each UI elements (let's say we've a bunch of cards)...
View ArticleStatically registering a Broadcast Receiver - A working example
Hello there I wan't to statically register a Broadcast Receiver and I have followed the guidelines at As I...
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