Launching application from android local notification
Hello, I'm trying to launch the application when the user taps a local notification. To accomplish this, we need to set the ContentIntent to the notification, and that start's the desired activity set...
View ArticleGetting different instances while resolving from container
I have a specific platform service which is being registered using a platform initializer public class AndroidInitializer : IPlatformInitializer { public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry...
View ArticleUWP InAppNotification in Xamarin.Forms?
Hello, I have a Xamarin.Forms App and I want to show in app notifications (about loading progress etc.). I use Toast.MakeText for Android and for UWP I would like to use the InAppNotification from the...
View ArticleiPhone simulators missing from debug device list
I am running Visual Studio 15.9.5 on Windows 10, I have a MacBook Pro with Visual Studio for Mac and all the latest updates, with Xcode 10.1. In Xcode Preferences/Components, you can see I have...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms app does not run after released to "TestFlight"
My Xamarin.Forms app runs fine on emulators, and I can connect an iPhone 5 to my MacBook and successfully debug and run the app on a physical phone in debug mode. However, after pushing the release to...
View ArticleHow to add buttons into the renderer map pin?
Is it possible to add some buttons into the rendered map pin and every button can trigger its associated event? If so, how to do it?
View ArticlePossible to automate switching icons for Xamarin.Forms project?
Hi, We have a single project that is used by 2 different clients. The Apple store won't let us use the same icon for both, so we need to build version A with Icon set A, and then the same code as...
View ArticleXamarin.Form Image not showing in Imagecell
Hi i have seen some form where people having problem with picture not showing up when they add them to the ImageCell I even print out my image string so i can look if something is wrong. If i go back...
View ArticleDoes it possible customize the pin event of Map to reduce tap times
After Xamarin Form Map shows a map on an Android or iOS device, and tap a map pin, it will show the callout of the pin and tap this callout, it just triggers the pin's clicked event, i.e., two tap...
View ArticleBackground and Foreground app and Push Notifications.
Hello developers, I'm using the plugin and The plugin work good, I receive the...
View ArticleProblem with Absolute Layout and Overlay Areas
Hi there! I have a View with list view and, using absolute layout, I created an editor for that list view. The editor, when visible, overlays itens 2 to 6. I can tap or press itens 1 and 7 to call the...
View ArticleXamarin UWP APP problem.
Ive been running with my xamarin forms app on android for some time and I need to also test the UWP version. I'm getting the following error: The "WireUpCoreRuntime" task was not given a value for the...
View ArticleOptions for video playback
What are my options for video playback in Xamarin.forms? Searching through the forums, webview seems to be the suggestion alot, but I hate the fact that an app needs to be clunky with an 'iframe' of...
View ArticleHow To Store User Session To Stay Logged In
Hi everyone. How can i store the user session data to stay logged in? Thanks!
View ArticleCan I use Xamarin Forms to build an Android 6.0 application?
Hi, I'm trying to build a Xamarin Forms application to run in an Android 6.0 android box, but I'm always getting the error while compiling: Package Xamarin.Android.Support.v7.CardView is not...
View Article[ADVANCED ]Xamarin Bindings to Canon EOS SDK - issues
Hi! Official Android native library for Canon EOS digital cameras however exists, but an SDK for Android was not (yet?) published by Canon company. The native library (name is can be...
View ArticleConsume System.Drawing.Common package in Xamarin Android app?
My rendering code is now ported to .Net Standard 2.0 assemblies for portability. Next step is to consume said assemblies in a Xamarin Android app. However I do not seem to be able to consume for...
View ArticleCalling a Command on Parent from Child
I have a Page: <ContentPage x:Name="MyPage"> The Page references an external xaml via a resource <ResourceDictionary Source="SomeTemplate.xaml"></ResourceDictionary> All is fine, but...
View ArticleQuestion about Xamarin
Hello guys, I am new in this domain and I want to ask you how can I start to make an android app using Xamarin? I had the VS 2013 installed because I used it (we learn the C# at our school) and I...
View ArticleMissing required Icons
Hi, we have a problem uploading our app to the iOS app store for some days now. Actually it is a Forms App but hope it's still correct in this forum. The app was working before but since we updated to...
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