View as:Generic not showing in latest Xamarin.iOS Designer ?
I am using VS for Mac for Xamarin.iOS development. I do not see "View as: Generic" option to support for any screen sizes. My iOS designer allows me to design UI only for a particular device size....
View ArticleOxyPlot WPF Change tracker text color
I'm using OxyPlot in a Xamarin Froms WPF project and the tracker (popup when I click on a datapoint) is white with light yellow text, on top of a white plot background. It's basically impossible to...
View ArticleCannot clear GridLayout in Xamarin
Hello everyone, I'm creating a grid in xamarin form in which I'm implementing buttons using a list values that a I want to change throught a popup ( using Rg.Plugins.Popup.Services) that open when I'm...
View ArticleApp crash when denied location permission in Xamarin iOS
i need to have location in my app and app got crash when user denied the location permission by clicking "Don't Allow". i got "System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException". but once i again start again...
View ArticleArchive for Publishing is not creating an archive
I am experiencing a recent issue where running Archive for Publishing is not creating an archive for my Xamarin.Android project (part of Xamarin.Forms project). The Xamarin.iOS project does not have...
View ArticleAny ebook reader SDK for Xamarin forms?
Requirement is to create something like ebook reader app. Any suggestions on this. @JamesMontemagno
View ArticleCan you turn off copying text without a selection?
For me it's highly annoying that you can copy a line without having text selected. Since cmd+c and cmd+v are so close together, it's very common for me to accidentally hit cmd+c instead of cmd+v since...
View ArticleVS for Mac - files visible in IDE not in .csproj file
I'm probably going mad/senile but I've got a problem with my .csproj file seemingly not being updated when files are added to the project. Some background The background to this is that in our...
View ArticleCalling REST Service inside the fragment and populating data inside the...
Hi! I'm a beginner with Xamarin Android. I'm trying to build an app that uses a REST service to get data from the server. I'm trying to call the web service inside a fragment which uses a recycler view...
View ArticleXamarin animation crashes app
I am developing card game in xamarin form. I am doing animation like card moving or chip moving from one place other place sometime it works sometimes it's crashes directly. Anybody facing this sort of...
View ArticleBasic Deployment and Build Questions
I create a new project (Xamarin, Blank project). I compile it. My Android phone is plugged into the computer. I start the ADB server. Then I select Deploy and I get a deployment to the Emulator. I...
View ArticleXamarin forms local database
I am trying to implement a database following this: But I am getting an aggregate.exception on the main() function when...
View ArticleCLEARTEXT communication to host not permitted by network security policy
I updated my android phone to the latest OS and now I can't consume the APIs on my DEV backend that does not use https. I only have certificates for a few domains and for my test environment i don't...
View ArticleGood morning, i can´t resolve Plugin.InputKit error after install it, it...
Can not resolve reference: Plugin.CurrentActivity, referenced by Plugin.InputKit. Please add a NuGet package or assembly reference for Plugin.CurrentActivity, or remove the reference to...
View ArticleConsume System.Drawing.Common package in Xamarin Android app?
My rendering code is now ported to .Net Standard 2.0 assemblies for portability. Next step is to consume said assemblies in a Xamarin Android app. However I do not seem to be able to consume for...
View ArticlePicker popup is shown twice when calling focus()
Hello I've an issue when a Picker (in my example an ExtendedPicker, but it also happens with a normal Picker). In some cases (see below), when calling Picker's focus() method, the popup opens twice in...
View ArticleFileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo gives file not found for Release
Hello Xamarin Guys and Girls. I'm facing one strange problem, at least for me. When I build my project in release, FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo throws FileNotFoundException. I need file version info...
View ArticlePickers opens box twice when focused after focus an entry
Hi everyone!! I have a big issue that I can't solve from myself. like the title says, in my android app (using xamarin.forms after I updated from a very old version) when I select an...
View Articlehow can getdata from api and use fot recyclerview..
hi i use this code but mpt in mainactivity and i got erorr in recycleradapter in itemcount that Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object....
View ArticleLost sqlite data in Windows 10 tablet after restart
Hi, I developed small app using Xamarin Forms with SQLite database, data are saving in SQLite database in developer machine, no issue after create store package (sideloading) for UWP and after install...
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