ContextAction Command from custom ViewCell
I have a custom ViewCell which gets selected by a Tempalte Selector. Now i want that the Command from the ContextAction is executed in the corresponding page ViewModel, but i don't now how to get the...
View ArticleTrigger a Picker programmatically
Hi there, I have a picker as a children on my stacklayout. If i press it, the items at the picker are shown, and i can select one. So far so good. However i want to show it without having to press it,...
View ArticleXAM U closing - Xamarin Certification now meaningless/cancelled/worthless
cc: @NMackay Thought you'd find this interesting After May 1, 2019, these programs, including Xamarin certification exams, will no longer be available and active subscriptions will be canceled. For...
View ArticleHow to add buttons into the renderer map pin?
Is it possible to add some buttons into the rendered map pin and every button can trigger its associated event? If so, how to do it?
View ArticleSetting BaseUrl on files loaded from...
This should probably be straightforward but it's been giving me a headache. Basically I'm creating an app that downloads a zip file containing html, css, javascript etc. It unzips the contents and...
View ArticleNavigationStack is not updated successfully in xamarin forms ios
I have a xamarin forms project and i use custom master detail page. so i have MasterDetailPage and NavigationPageRenderer in xamarin ios and xamarin android project. i want to navigate as follows var...
View ArticleHow to identify and reference to the dependent Assembly or Library among...
How to identify and reference to the dependent Assembly or Library among Projects? resolve Error CS0012? Error: Error CS0012 The type 'IAsyncOperation<>' is defined in an assembly that is not...
View ArticleLabel TextColor Binding on iOS doesn't updates
Hi, I have a very simple page, just with one label whose text color is data bound to a property in VM. However the color of the text updates fine on Android each time the property changes but doesn't...
View ArticleHow to use filesystem folder as baseUrl for the WebView?
Hi, I have this problem: I want to load an html string that use a css file the I downloaded in the temp path. With iOS I have no problems, but in Android i cannot make it works. Any ideas? This is the...
View ArticleHow to reference downloaded assets within a WebView in a shared PCL Project
I am downloading a zip file from our server which contains html files, images, css etc. unzipping the files and saving them within the PCL using PCLStorage nuget package. To view the content I am using...
View Articlewhen all BindableProperties get initialized from XAML regardless their...
This happens a lot when creating custom controls (mostly in code only). In many cases some properties (if not all) are dependent on each other, like for example: ItemsSource and DisplayMemberPath .....
View ArticleLogin with Facebook
Hi people, my name's Leonardo, i have a solution of xamarin forms and it is a application android and ios, i need create a login that use facebook login, but, all help in internet not help me because...
View ArticleUWP InAppNotification in Xamarin.Forms?
Hello, I have a Xamarin.Forms App and I want to show in app notifications (about loading progress etc.). I use Toast.MakeText for Android and for UWP I would like to use the InAppNotification from the...
View ArticleOpening Oauth2 page with self signed certificate causing webview to display...
Is there a way I can prevent the security warning popup from displaying. Is there a solution where I can still use my self signed certificate or do I have to use a trusted certificate? var...
View ArticleMissing required Icons
Hi, we have a problem uploading our app to the iOS app store for some days now. Actually it is a Forms App but hope it's still correct in this forum. The app was working before but since we updated to...
View ArticleHow can I implement Google Authentication in a Xamarin Project?
I have searched a lot on Google but almost every one of the tutorials that I found wasn't implementable, the only one that I could almost use was this: Sample-XamarinAuth-Google by TimLariviere (I...
View ArticleUsing UrhoSharp in mixed-dimension UWP app
I'm interested in building a UWP app that, when launched, has a default 2D XAML type view, but can switch to a secondary 3D UrhoSharp view (incidentally, this is to be run on HoloLens). I'm new to...
View ArticleReporting bugs in Visual Studio with Xamarin
To report issues, please use "Report a Problem", available in Visual Studio 2017: To make it most...
View ArticleView as:Generic not showing in latest Xamarin.iOS Designer ?
I am using VS for Mac for Xamarin.iOS development. I do not see "View as: Generic" option to support for any screen sizes. My iOS designer allows me to design UI only for a particular device size....
View ArticleDifference between AndroidApp and Android XamlApp?
Hi, What's the difference between AndroidApp and Android XamlApp (Xamarin.Forms)?
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