Wear OS, making webcalls over bluetooth
So I have a wear OS native android application, enabling INTERNET permission, connecting the watch to a WAP, I can make http calls, everything working as expected. But If the watch having the same WAP...
View Articlehow to change xamarin.forms Theme programmatically/at runtime
Hey how do i change my Xamarin forms theme at runtime from light to dark etc? Without overriding my Resources Dictionary?
View ArticleMissing .sln and .csproj file in when creating a cross platform project
I have VS2017 create a new project for cross platform then follow all steps but .sln and .csproj file are not found .
View ArticleHide Home Indicator in Xamarin Forms
I'm not able to set my home indicator to hidden. I have a NavigationPage with ContentPages. I'm aware that I should override PrefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden and then call...
View ArticleHow TO Design a Chat Application Like WhatsApp?
I am Trying to design a Chat App where i can share Audio,Video,Documents and Using websockets,Firebase. Any Suggestion please?
View ArticleBackground color of "ActionBar"/"Toolbar v7" with FormsAppCompatActivity
Hi there, I finally figured out I should migrate from FormsApplicationActivity to FormsAppCompatActivity. After doing that and adapting a few configuration options here and there, my theme is now as...
View ArticleLoad SVG from PCL by CODE USING FFImageLoading
Hello, I'm using this package from nugget to display images in SVG : https://github.com/luberda-molinet/FFImageLoading/wiki I'm able to load images using xaml from PCL like this: //using...
View Articlehow to update location in xamarin forms in pcl project
i used geolocator for current location but location not update please share me the code if have
View ArticleThe "LinkAssemblies" task failed unexpectedly error while building the...
Hi, I'm getting the below error while building the application using linking SDK assemblies option and with out shared runtime (as shared run time causing error while release the application.) Severity...
View ArticleSystem.Net.WebException: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to...
Already found the same thread here, but that not resolved my problem. I have added NSAppTransportSecurity and NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in info.plist. Screenshot: Added the below codes from this article....
View ArticleArchiving, .apk is missing the application icon?
I have a Xamarin project with custom icon for my app. Icon works correctly when deploying to device from Visual Studio, but when I create an .apk file with Archive functionality, I get the default icon...
View ArticleGetting screen contents height
Hello, I am trying to create my own pan and pinch gestures so I can understand how they work, however I am having some problems finding the boundaries for the dragging. I currently use the ScreenHeight...
View ArticleStatically registering a Broadcast Receiver - A working example
Hello there I wan't to statically register a Broadcast Receiver and I have followed the guidelines at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/app-fundamentals/broadcast-receivers As I...
View ArticleCustom ScrollView renderer does not work scroll
I create custom ScrollView. This is done so that the swipes and scrolls work. I need to make a vertical scroll. Help me please ` public class GestureScrollView : ScrollView { public event EventHandler...
View ArticleXamarin forms android - disables SSL CA validation
Hello we are facing a security problem with apk, there's a application validating our apk (Appthority) and reports this: Disables SSL CA Validation [ { "status": "DISABLED", "hostname":...
View Article"AddEntityFrameworkStores can only be called with a role that derives from...
I'm trying to run our backend project locally but I'm getting this error: "AddEntityFrameworkStores can only be called with a role that derives from IdentityRole<Tkey, TUserR I have no idea why, I...
View ArticleAny 3rd party comment components that work well for mobile and Xamarin?
Hey all, Was wondering if there are any 3rd party comment components available for cross platform development. Something like how Disqus or livefyre for blog commenting. If not, can anyone help point...
View ArticleHow to make the MasterDetail page in iOS slideover the content Page instead...
How to make the MasterDetail page in iOS slideover the content Page instead of Pushing...? MasterBehaviour=PopOver is not working
View Article"System.Web.Http.Common" is not compatible with monoandroid81
Hi, I have a Xamarin project, but I got the following error message. I don't understand because it is the standard library, right ? Error NU1202 Package System.Web.Http.Common 4.0.20126.16343 is not...
View ArticleCouldn't open an APK File with NFC
Hi! At first I want say, that I made many things with C#, but don't have much experience in Xamarin. So please don't kill me if my question is silly. I have just tried to add NFC in my a Xamarin App. I...
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