Is there a 'wake on movement' API?
I want to write an app that will basically sleep (to extend battery life) and somehow wake up when some movement (more of a vibration detection than physically moving metres). Is there an API that can...
View ArticleiPhone simulators missing from debug device list
I am running Visual Studio 15.9.5 on Windows 10, I have a MacBook Pro with Visual Studio for Mac and all the latest updates, with Xcode 10.1. In Xcode Preferences/Components, you can see I have...
View ArticleI am stuck while publishing my ios app
i am stuck on publishing my app on App store. it has been 5 times & every time people there delay for reply (between 24 and 48 hours). More over, every time re-ask for something else I am confused...
View ArticleXF image tapgesturerecognizer not working on UWP?
xamarin forms image tapgesturerecognizer not working on UWP, working fine on Android. How to fix it? Thank you!
View ArticleR U Subscribed to Notifications?
Our Xamarin Forms app uses Notifications. How can I check to see if the user is subscribed ? (Meaning: Did they click NO when asked for permission?) The awesome Xamarin.Essentials has an AppInfo tool...
View Articlehelp, how to make an api or sdk for dvr dahua?
idea of how to make an api that allows me to play video of a dahua dvr, this is a sdk, but it does not work for me, because it is typed in c ++
View ArticleHow can Xamarin.Forms class access JSON from REST WCF service?
Hi, I'm learning all about Xamarin.Forms, so please bear with me. This may seem like a simple question, but finding a solution has been an uphill battle. This code snippet is from a class in my...
View ArticleTableView ImageCell Problem
When I used this code, its running and showing picture in IOS. But İn Android, it is not showing the Picture, Text is appearing, but Picture is not. My Picture is in drawable, and drawable-xxhdpi...
View Articlearm support for 8.0 and up?
While trying to build the default Xamarin.Forms xaml app ("Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!") I encountered the following oddity: Where is the ARM support for 8.0 (and up)? Isn't this going to be a problem...
View ArticleThe “XamlCTask” task failed unexpectedly Error
I'm currently using Xamarin.forms and i'm trying to build but i keep getting this error : Error MSB4018: The "XamlCTask" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file...
View ArticleHow can I add a border for a BoxView
How can I add a border for BoxView? I thought about putting a smaller boxview inside a larger boxview and trying to position them on top of each other? Thanks
View ArticleCannot deploy to Apple Watch
Hi all, Relatively new to Xamarin development.. I have created an iOS project and added a WatchKit App to it. I can deploy the phone app perfectly fine, and the watch app is available to install...
View ArticleAndroidRuntime exception on app restart after app is open a long time
My xamarins forms app is crashing immediately on startup. This only happens after the app has been sitting on for ~1 hr, closed, and then opened again. Once it crashes like this one time, the app will...
View Articledeploying error
1>------ Deploy started: Project: TipCalculator, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------ 1>Error: Cancelled ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== ==========...
View ArticleHow to set value to customstepper
I have a list with a custom stepper in it, and I have a detail page for every item in this list, I need to change the value of the custom stepper when I change it in the detail page and also when I...
View ArticleChanging a specific value in a list during runtime.
Hello everyone, I have a simple Xamarin.Android-App. On the Activity of this app, there is a list displayed. Please see following MyActivity.axml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...
View ArticleHow to debug/step into Xamarin.Forms source code?
I have seen this article but it is not clear for me how this should work and what it meant that "Now you’re ready to step...
View ArticleAny xamarin bluetooth example project? without using any plugin?
Any xamarin Bluetooth example project? without using any plugin?
View ArticleNot able to change Tabbed Page's tab once modal is shown
Hi, I am facing issue with Tabbed Page in iOS. I have added 5 navigation pages in the tabbed page. After showing and closing modal, I am not able to change tab on tap. If I hold another tab for 3-4...
View ArticleHow to make the MasterDetail page in iOS slideover the content Page instead...
How to make the MasterDetail page in iOS slideover the content Page instead of Pushing...? MasterBehaviour=PopOver is not working
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