ListView ItemSelected and ItemTapped not working with ContextActions
Hi all. I have a problem with ListView. I have a viewcell with custom control that has TapGestureRecognizer and it works well. But when I added Context Action to ViewCell ItemSelected stoped working....
View ArticleXamarin.Forms CardsView nuget package
Hi all) I've released new package for Xamarin.Forms (Something like Tinder's CardsView) Maybe, someone will be interested in it -- nuget...
View ArticleCarouselView with previewing side elements (Here is how)
CoverFlowView is a part of CardsView nuget package allows to achieve it. Check github for more info
View ArticleFree Hid/USB Cross Platform Library
Listen for connections of USB/Hid (Human Interface Device) devices and communicate with the devices on Android, Windows, and UWP with dependency injection....
View ArticleUsing IsDescructive in ContextAction produces non clickable items on iOS
Hello, I have a listview with uneven rows. The items have a typical context action "delete" with the attribute "IsDescructive="true". Now, when I swipe on an item to open the context menu and then...
View ArticleHow I can rename photo in Xamarin media plugin using PickPhotoAsync
I am working on Xamarin forms. I have notes field; 'Take Photo' button and 'Pick From Gallery' button. What I want to do is when user take or select photo and click save button; that photo should be...
View ArticleCMSampleBuffer Attachment Setting
Trying to set DisplayImmediately setting but cannot se how, got so far... CMSampleBufferAttachmentSettings[] sampleBufferAttachmentSettings = sampleBuffer.GetSampleAttachments(true);...
View ArticleMusic Isn't playing on IOS
I used this guide: to learn how to add music to an IOS app on Xamarin. When I run it using the simulator everything works fine and I can hear...
View ArticleWhat is the best back-end web development language?
What is the best back-end web development language?
View ArticleEntity Framework Core Sqlite vs SQLite-net-sqlcipher
Hi All, I want to know the pros and cons of using EFCore SQLite vs SQLite-net-sqlcipher library provided by Frank A Krueger Is this a time to upgrade to EF core? I am asking this because Xamarin Form...
View ArticleAppStore Version is not equal to iTunes version
Hi all, I am using this code to get the "AppStore AppVersion" of my App, On Feb 2nd I have released an App to AppStore as Version 2.4.3 (Available for users to download), but when I ran my code on Feb...
View ArticlePrint the finger print
Today's smart phone have finger print scanner for security purposes. Is it possible to get the finger print from the device and save it as data or image? Like this: Thanks in advance
View ArticleSystem.BadImageFormatException: Method has zero rva
Does anyone here already encountered this error? "System.BadImageFormatException: Method has zero rva" So basically, what I'm doing is connecting arduino on a mobile tablet using Serial Port, and This...
View ArticleRetrieve JSON from api in XF
I am learning about Azure Mobile Services and trying to follow along to a slightly older tutorial. I built a simple API backed in core that returns the following JSON from the URL:...
View ArticleAs for the Webview to allow authentication when you log on the website ?
Пожалуйста, помогите решить эту проблему. Я использую WebView для открытия веб-сайта. Сайт использует авторизацию через AD. При использовании Chrome открывается диалоговое окно авторизации. При...
View ArticleSystem.Net.WebException: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to...
Already found the same thread here, but that not resolved my problem. I have added NSAppTransportSecurity and NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in info.plist. Screenshot: Added the below codes from this article....
View ArticleHow to put ellipsis for long text in Picker?
How to put ellipsis for long text in Picker?
View ArticleAny xamarin bluetooth example project? without using any plugin?
Any xamarin Bluetooth example project? without using any plugin?
View ArticleInitializeComponent does not exist in the current context error
Hi, The error CS0103 (The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context) has started appearing after doing a build of our Xamarin Forms solution. The build, however, appears to have...
View ArticleContextAction Command from custom ViewCell
I have a custom ViewCell which gets selected by a Tempalte Selector. Now i want that the Command from the ContextAction is executed in the corresponding page ViewModel, but i don't now how to get the...
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