FreshMVVM Master detail with custom MasterPage
Hello I use FRESHMVVM in my app. I created a massterdetail page as well: var masterPage = FreshPageModelResolver.ResolvePageModel(); var detailPage = FreshPageModelResolver.ResolvePageModel(); var...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Ondisappearing() called soon after Onappearing()
Ondisappearing() called soon after Onappearing() and onappearing called right after ondisappearing..i had this issue only on one page. other pages do not have this issue.i found this when i tap on...
View ArticleHow to make the MasterDetail page in iOS slideover the content Page instead...
How to make the MasterDetail page in iOS slideover the content Page instead of Pushing...? MasterBehaviour=PopOver is not working
View Articlexamarin studio 5.9.5 menus grayed out
Please can someone tell me what is wrong here as i have just installed xamarine studio on my aptop using a windows10 64bit operating system but cant run my project as the run menu is grayed out ,please...
View ArticleApp not working in release mode
Hi all, I need some help figuring out what the problem is. I have a brand new installation of VS2017 fully updated When I run my app in debug mode it works, when I run the app in release mode it would...
View ArticleIs there a 'wake on movement' API?
I want to write an app that will basically sleep (to extend battery life) and somehow wake up when some movement (more of a vibration detection than physically moving metres). Is there an API that can...
View ArticleInterop to 32-bit and 64-bit C++ libraries in same project?
My Xamarin project for ARM devices is built for AnyCPU mode. At runtime, depending on Android device, it seems to run in 32 or 64 bit mode. For C++ interop I then need my shared library present in 32...
View ArticleListView with MVVM - TapGestureRecognizer command is not working
I'm using MVVM, I'm finding that trying to detect a row being clicked to invoke a command painful to implement. It would seem that there's no ItemSelected that takes a Command, so I've tried to use the...
View ArticleThe “XamlCTask” task failed unexpectedly Error
I'm currently using Xamarin.forms and i'm trying to build but i keep getting this error : Error MSB4018: The "XamlCTask" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file...
View ArticleXamarin Carousel not binding to ViewModel
I've got a Carousel page, where I use a XAML page as the template, however, while static text works fine, binding that page to a ViewModel, doesn't show my data correctly on the page: My Carousel XAML...
View ArticleHow to get CommandParameter in Tapped Event.
Hi I am using GestureRecognizers in a lable and pass a parameter in CommandParameter but i didn't get in code behind. <Label.GestureRecognizers> </Label.GestureRecognizers> private void...
View ArticleVPN with Android
Hello, did somebody have any experience with the new VPNServer Class in Android 4.x and use it with Xamarin? There is an example,...
View ArticleTrust anchor for certification path not found.
Hi there, I'm currently developing an app where (working with a third party) I make calls to their web service. As part of this, I make a HttpClient (initialised with a new...
View ArticleXamarin forms Open map location on external app
Helo, I'm using xamarin forms and by Device.OpenUri (new Uri ($ "geo: {Latitud}, {Longitude}")); I'm opening and external gps navigation. It works for android 9. Application waze start navigate to this...
View ArticleCSOM SharePoint
Hi In VS2017, after adding CSOM SharePoint Online nuget package, my app stops In output windows i can see : Could not load assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Publishing.Portable' during startup...
View ArticleSkipped XX frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main...
Hi, when scrolling ListView (debug mode) on the Samsung device, the list sometimes skips to some elements (not always) then I get in VS output: 02-04 08:28:51.904 I/zygote64(30968): Explicit concurrent...
View ArticleAfter adding CSOM SharePoint Online nuget package, my app stops
Hi In VS2017, after adding CSOM SharePoint Online nuget package, my app stops In output windows i can see : Could not load assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Publishing.Portable' during startup...
View ArticleXamarin Websocket: Native vs Managed
We're planning on integrating websockets into our Xamarin (Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android) application. We're seeing two possible options for doing this: Go with the native approach by creating (using...
View ArticleVS for Mac - files visible in IDE not in .csproj file
I'm probably going mad/senile but I've got a problem with my .csproj file seemingly not being updated when files are added to the project. Some background The background to this is that in our...
View ArticleTabbed Bar Tricks for iOS
Hello, I am using a Tabbed Page for my main page and added icons for each content page. On Android those icons looks very nice, but same Icons on iOS looks awful. For those icons, I am using png files....
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