Xamarin UITest does not clean my app on iOS
Hi all, When I ran my tests on android the app always starts at the beginning and no prev configurations are set. But with iOS the app always starts with the page where it last has been. So when I ran...
View Articlehow to add user's location marker on custom map
Hellow! How to add user's location marker on my custom map? I have made my map by the toutorial docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/app-fundamentals/custom-renderer/map/customized-pin It's...
View ArticleHow to save the DirPath + The Filename of a picture selected from the Gallery...
Hello Guys, I am constructing a Hybrid app using Xamarin, my App is Totally HTML + Css and JS, works fine(i am suing WebView Template Project), the app is just an Input form, the user can type text,...
View Articlewhat form is this?
Greeting everyone, i am having hard time figuring this form, is it using listview or table? or something else? can someone help me out? thank you
View ArticleHow to Create a curved header layout and making a button that overlaps the...
Here im using stacklayout as header,How to create a curved header layout????? <Grid.RowDefinitions> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <!-- header background --> <StackLayout Grid.Row="0"...
View ArticleError appear when import InTheHand
When I using the DLL, it gives me this error, did I need to install something? or Xamarin don't support the DLL? I want to make a project that can receive Bluetooth data, so I need to use that DLL Can...
View Articlewant to acquire more traffic for Mobile Apps ?
then Start an ad Campaign with AdwertMobi they have different services like : Android & ios App Installs High Retention Install Keyword Search Installs Country Geo Base Installs ASO service and...
View ArticleBuy App Installs/Buy Android Installs/Buy ios Installs/Buy App Downloads
There is vast range of website or app traffic providers for App Installs some are good and some are really great like AdwertMobi, simple process just add funds and start campaign. Android installs, ios...
View ArticlePop up page not closing when click device back button
I am using Rg.Plugins.Popup NuGet package for showing pop up page. When clicking the android device back button the pop-up page is not hiding, it only closes the content pages. I am working on a .Net...
View ArticleUWP crashing after latest vs2017 update
After updating to the latest release of VS2017 I keep getting an error when I try to debug my UWP XF applications with an error saying "Unable to activate Windows Store app ……. The …..exe process...
View ArticleEmulator Issue
Hi Good Morning Everyone. I hope this wonderful day. Am installed my laptop visual studio 2017 Community. Am create new Android Emulator but it was showing some error. I have attached error snapshot....
View Articlehow to receive a mysql query by passing a parameter,receive that user's data...
private async void llenarListView() { try { userManager manager = new userManager(); var result = await manager.pasaracjaCompra(txtahora.Text.ToString()); if (result != null) { lsUsuarios.ItemsSource =...
View ArticleWhat's the correct way to implement login page in Xamarin Shell?
My app has structure like this. Splash page => Login page => Main page After login, user cannot go back to login/splash page. There are several pages in flyout menu that user can go to. However,...
View ArticleTree View in Xamarin forms.
Hello guys, Is there any way to implement Tree View in Xamarin forms ? If yes then please let me know how ? Thank you.
View ArticleFree Xamarin Forms TreeView (All Platforms)
Give this TreeView a go: https://github.com/MelbourneDeveloper/Adapt.Presentation/tree/master/Adapt.Presentation.Standard/Adapt/Presentation/Controls/TreeView It's very simple. No custom rendering....
View ArticleHow to implement kiosk mode for xamarin.forms application?
I have been searing to implement the kiosk mode for xamarin.forms application but could never came across any sample in the xamarin.forms, can some help me to implement kiosk for the xamarin. forms...
View ArticleHow to implement kiosk mode for xamarin.forms applications.
I have been searching for the sample application in xamarin. forms which run in kiosk mode, but I could not find it anywhere. can someone please help me to implement kiosk mode application, it would be...
View ArticleImplementing Print on a bluetooth printer in Xamarin Forms App
Any one can you please share with us how to working on bluetooth printer and how to print with help of bluetooth printer in xamarin forms xamarin forms? I wasted for days to find a way to work with...
View ArticleHow to display 360 video
I have a Xamarin.iOS app where video is displayed in a WKWebView. 360 panoramic videos don't display properly, which looks like its an inherent limitation in the web view. Is there any way to Get the...
View ArticleHi, I am facing Deployment to emulator error in Xamarin Forms
I am trying to build a Xamarin forms Application, It's a blank code, the code builds perfectly without error but it does not get deployed on an emulator. If I click "Start without Debugging" then the...
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