Absolute Layout Sizing
Using Absolute Layouts allows for positioning objects onto a definite spot within that layout. It does this based off of coordinates within the layout. You put in those coordinates, the object sets...
View ArticleWhy calculating text in skiasharp and gdi return not equal result
FamilyName Arial FontSize 12 FontStyle Regular layout = _gg.MeasureString("A", font, layout, strFormat); return new SizeF(layout.Width, layout.Height); Width=16.32552 Height=19.8749962 SKPaint...
View ArticleBinding to a Command and Type Safety
Perhaps this is simply an uneducated question I am not sure. I use a number of Command Bindings similar to what is described here: https://blog.xamarin.com/simplifying-events-with-commanding/ I like...
View ArticleHow to enable Android designer in Visual Studio?
My Android designer in Visual Studio is not showing anything at all. Anyone knows how to fight this? Screenshot attached
View ArticleError: This version of Xamarin.Mac requires the macOS 10.14 sdk
Hello, I have this error when trying to compile my project on Xamarin.Mac. I have the latest OS version and the latest XCode. Error MM0091: This version of Xamarin.Mac requires the macOS 10.14 SDK...
View ArticleUWA doesn't run
DEP3321: To deploy this application, your deployment target should be running Windows Universal Runtime version 10.0.15063.0 or higher. You currently are running version 10.0.10240.17443. Please update...
View ArticleRichTextView with NSTextView problem
Hi, I need to use a Rich NSTextView to view an RTF file. I can correctly display the RTF file and I have the bar to change font, size, fat, etc ... Only, I do not know why, when I want to change the...
View ArticleAdding value from a popup page to ContentPage
Hi all, My setup is like this: 1- I have a content page with a listview of items that each has a Score. 2- By tapping an item in the list it opens up a popup page with another listview of values. I can...
View ArticleCS0103 The name 'Resource' does not exist
In new version of xamarin with vs 2015 i get this message in every time i use resource.id
View ArticleShould an app support devices that has animation disabled?
Is it the developer's responsibility to always code in that essence that although the user has animation disabled, the app should work properly? And/or should the developer check programatically if the...
View ArticleCommand CanExecute bug?
Is it just me, or does binding a command with the optional CanExecute property not work? Xamarin Forms - Current on 07feb2019 In this case the button never enables. <Button...
View ArticleError: Attribute has already been defined (APT0000)
At work, I switched branches and now I can't build any branch due to: error: Attribute "text" has already been defined (APT0000) Resources/values/attrs.xml error: Attribute "closeIcon" has already been...
View Articlehow to store login credentials in xamarin forms, as we do store in shared...
How can I store login credentials in xamarin forms, in xamarin android i was able to use shared preference but here if I use it would not work for Iphone? Kindly help me with this, I am totally new to...
View ArticleStatically registering a Broadcast Receiver - A working example
Hello there I wan't to statically register a Broadcast Receiver and I have followed the guidelines at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/app-fundamentals/broadcast-receivers As I...
View ArticleHow to link ActivityIndicator to Image loading using xaml?
I can't seem to get activityIndicator to link its visibility and running properties to a desired image loading (from url). Can someone please post a xaml example how this is done? Thank you!
View ArticleHow to subscribe an event without setting Control.Delegate to null in a...
I need to extend the Xamarin.Forms ListView to have an async method for scroll the list view to top. Create a control and the custom renderer to subscribe the scrolling ended event inside the...
View ArticleImages not showing in XF OSX project
The following is an extract from the XAML or a view whichworks successfully on UWP, Android and iOs platforms: <Image x:Name="Logo" Style="{StaticResource LogoStyle}"> <Image.Source>...
View ArticleXF - Android - SMS and Call Log Permissions violation. (Not in manifest)
I have an app built in Xamarin.Forms and I'm in the middle of publishing to the stores, iOS version is already approved. Android, ** approved **then **removed ** by: Violation of the Permissions policy...
View ArticleiPhone X and safe margins with Xamarin Forms
Hi! I have finished my app, but I have tested it with the iPhone X simulator and I'm totally out of the safe margins. I'm searching for info everywhere, but I can't find anything specific to that. I...
View ArticleDetect specific device
Is there any way to detect a specific device (type)? More exactly I want to know if a user uses a iPhone X (or a iOS device with no physical Home Button). That's because I have to apply some specific...
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